Federal Government Home Care and Family Support Grant
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Coronavirus Illness 2019 (COVID-19): Data for NIH Applicants and Recipients of NIH Funding
The NIH is deeply concerned for the health and safety of people involved in NIH research, and about the effects on the biomedical enterprise in the areas affected by the HHS declared public health emergency for COVID-19. Due to the potential exceptional impact, we want to clinch our recipient customs that NIH will be doing our function to help you go along your inquiry.
This is a rapidly evolving state of affairs and nosotros will provide updated guidance and information as it becomes available.
Encounter page update history.
On This Page: |
Overview of Grant Flexibilities
- Reminder of COVID-19-Related Flexibilities for NIH Grants: Open Mike blog
Proposal Submission & Award Management
- Contracts
- Contracts must exist handled on a example-by-case ground. Details regarding any contract must be directed to the cognizant Contracting Officeholder. Bacon changes must be handled past the contracting officer.
- Contracts must exist handled on a example-by-case ground. Details regarding any contract must be directed to the cognizant Contracting Officeholder. Bacon changes must be handled past the contracting officer.
- Application Training
Not-OD-22-046: Clarification and Guidance for Applicants Preparing Applications for the Spring 2022 Due Dates During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- [Expired] NOT-OD-21-180: Description and Guidance for Applicants Preparing Applications for the Fall 2021 Due Dates During the COVID-xix Pandemic
- [Expired] Not-OD-21-026: Extended Guidance for Applicants Preparing Applications During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- NOT-OD-20-086: Flexibilities Available to Applicants and Recipients of Federal Financial Assistance Affected past COVID-nineteen
- Belatedly Applications
- Encounter NIH FAQ on late applications during COVID-19
- Encounter NIH FAQ on late applications during COVID-19
- Post Submission Materials
Non-OD-22-047: Extending the Special Exception to the NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH Mail-Submission Material Policy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Baronial/October 2022 Councils
- Non-OD-21-179 Extending the Special Exception to the NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH Post-Submission Textile Policy During the COVID-nineteen Pandemic: May 2022 Council
- Non-OD-21-095 Extending the Special Exception to the NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH Post-Submission Fabric Policy During the COVID-nineteen Pandemic: January 2022 Council
- [Expired] Non-OD-20-179 Extending the Special Exception to the NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH Post-Submission Textile Policy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Baronial/October 2021 Councils
- Extensions for Early Career Scientists
NIH Open Mike: Clarifying NIH'south Approach to Granting ESI Extensions
- NOT-OD-21-052: Reminder – Requesting Extensions for Early Career Scientists Whose Career Trajectories Accept Been Significantly Impacted by COVID-19
- Non-HL-21-009: Updated Notice of Information: NHLBI Extensions for Career Evolution Laurels (K01, K08, K23, K25) Recipients Whose Career Trajectories Have Been Significantly Impacted past COVID-nineteen
- NOT-DA-21-046: Notice of Information: NIDA Extensions for NRSA Fellowships and Career Evolution Award Recipients Whose Career Trajectories Accept Been Significantly Affected by COVID-19
- Not-DK-21-019: NIDDK Notice of Continuation of Temporary Extension of Eligibility for the NIH Mentored Inquiry Scientist Evolution Accolade (K01) Award During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Temporary Extension of Eligibility
Non-OD-22-062 - Further Continuation of Temporary Extension of Eligibility for the NIH K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Not-DE-21-021 - Notice to Extend Eligibility for Submission of Pathway to Independence Award Applications (K99/R00) to NIDCR due to Covid-19 disruptions
NOT-GM-22-020 - Notice to Extend Eligibility for Submission of "Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Contained Careers (MOSAIC) Postdoctoral Career Transition Honor to Promote Diversity (K99/R00)" Applications Due to COVID–related Disruptions
- NOT-OD-22-007 - Flexibility Available to Lasker Clinical Research Scholars Afflicted by COVID-19
- Not-AI-21-061 - Notice to Extend Eligibility for Submission of K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award Applications (and Md-Scientist K99/R00) due to COVID–related Disruptions
- NOT-AI-21-062 - Notice to Extend Eligibility for Submission to PAR-19-371, NIAID Career Transition Award (K22 Independent Clinical Trial Non Allowed) due to COVID-related Disruptions
- Non-DE-21-003: Continuation of Temporary Extension of Eligibility for the NIDCR Dual Degree Dentist Scientist Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00) During the COVID-nineteen Pandemic
- NOT-OD-21-106: Continuation of Temporary Extension of Eligibility for the NIH K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Honour During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- NOT-DK-21-054: Temporary Extension of Eligibility for the NIDDK K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award During the COVID-nineteen Pandemic
- NOT-GM-20-026: Guidance for Cost-Related Flexibilities Available to Support of Competitive Research (SCORE) Award Recipients Affected by COVID-xix - Not-GM-20-026
- NIH Implementation of OMB Memorandum Thou-20-26 "Extension of Administrative Relief for Recipients and Applicants of Federal Financial Assistance Straight Impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-nineteen) due to Loss of Operations" - six/25/2020
- Update: Effective October one, 2020, the flexibility for recipients to go along charging salaries and benefits to agile NIH awards consistent with the recipients' policy of paying salaries (under unexpected or extraordinary circumstances), has concluded. Any requests after that date will be considered by the funding IC on a case by instance basis. Equally a reminder, recipients must maintain appropriate records and price documentation in lodge to substantiate the charging of whatever salaries and other project activities costs related to interruption of operations or services.
- Update: Effective October one, 2020, the flexibility for recipients to go along charging salaries and benefits to agile NIH awards consistent with the recipients' policy of paying salaries (under unexpected or extraordinary circumstances), has concluded. Any requests after that date will be considered by the funding IC on a case by instance basis. Equally a reminder, recipients must maintain appropriate records and price documentation in lodge to substantiate the charging of whatever salaries and other project activities costs related to interruption of operations or services.
- M-20-26
issued June 18, 2020: Extension of Administrative Relief for Recipients and Applicants of Federal Financial Assist Directly Impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) due to Loss of Operations
- G-twenty-11
issued March 9, 2020: Administrative Relief for Recipients and Applicants of Federal Financial Assistance Directly Impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-nineteen)
Human Subjects & Clinical Trials
- NOT-OD-20-087: Guidance for NIH-funded Clinical Trials and Man Subjects Studies Affected by COVID-19
- FDA Guidance on Acquit of Clinical Trials of Medical Products during COVID-19 Pandemic
- OHRP COVID-19 Resources
- OHRP Guidance on COVID-nineteen
- Considerations for New and Ongoing Human being Subjects Research During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (Discussion) - 8/thirty/2021
- NOT-OD-21-006 - Exceptions to Apply of a Single IRB During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-nineteen) Public Wellness Emergency - 10/23/2020
Animal Welfare
- COVID-xix Pandemic Contingency Planning for Animal Intendance and Use Programs
- Non-OD-twenty-088: Flexibilities for Assured Institutions for Activities of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUCs) Due to COVID-nineteen
- Non-OD-21-080: Updated Notice of Limited Availability of Research Non-Human Primates
Peer Review
- Review Process
- Coronavirus Update: Additional Guidance for NIH Peer Reviewers (August/October 2021 Council) – January v, 2021 (Expired)
- Coronavirus Update: Additional Guidance for NIH Peer Reviewers (Summertime 2020 Meetings/August-October 2020 Council) – June 9, 2020 (Expired)
- Coronavirus Update: Guidance for Peer Reviewers
- Based on NIH Guidance on Travel and Meetings
, in-person NIH peer review meetings are being held in alternate formats. Scientific review officers will be in contact with peer reviewers near these changes.
- Coronavirus Update for May 2022 Council Round
- NIH FAQs: COVID-xix Flexibilities for Applicants and Recipients
Funding Opportunities
- Funding Opportunities published in the NIH Guide for Grants & Contracts
- Funding Opportunities Specific to COVID-nineteen
- "Open Mike" Blog: COVID-19 Funding and Funding Opportunities
Funded Grants
Apply the following links to explore NIH COVID-nineteen-related grant funding.
All COVID-19 research grant funding
- Grants funded under special COVID-19 appropriations
- Grants funded under regular NIH appropriations
Grant data are updated each weekend. Use the RePORTER search screen to filter these results by other criteria, including individual special appropriations.
A Federal-wide listing of acquisitions related to the COVID-xix response is bachelor from the Federal Procurement Data System in a special COVID-19 study.
- New NIH Resource to Analyze COVID-nineteen Literature: The COVID-nineteen Portfolio Tool
- Supporting Yourself and Your Trainees During the Coronavirus Pandemic Online Workshops
- NIH Office of Intramural Training & Education: Virtual NIH Activities for Trainees Outside the NIH
- CDC Website: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
including its guidance for Institutes of Higher Education
and for mental wellness and coping
- WHO Website: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
- General Data on NIH Extramural Response to Natural Disasters and Other Emergencies
- Infographic - 2020 NIH Extramural Surveys: The Touch of COVID-19 on the Research Community
This page concluding updated on Feb 7, 2022
Technical Bug: Email OER Webmaster
Source: https://grants.nih.gov/policy/natural-disasters/corona-virus.htm
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